Freedom Is Here and NowI don’t really know how to begin this. An insight has revealed itself in my life which has simply turned my whole world upside down - or rather right side up! The insight is that Freedom, that which i have sought since i was a teenager, is right here and now. Here follows the tapestry of my spiritual journey. It is quite compressed - i have left out many significant experiences and tried to concentrate on the golden thread. For many years, i was deeply involved in a yoga society where the emphasis was on practicing spiritual techniques. I was told that if i were to just meditate long enough, just do enough sadhana (spiritual practice), just obeyed my guru and believe in the cosmology, then some day in some life, i would get rid of the awful ego and attain Enlightenment. I followed all the proscriptions and prescriptions: dressed in white, ate vegetarian food, avoided non-medical drugs, coffee and alcohol, read spiritual literature. In spite of all the years of discipline, however, i continued to be haunted by a sense of incompleteness. The longing grew steadily and i had many experiences, but the countless limitations i had made me feel that Enlightenment was simply light-years away. In 1991, after 17 years in the yoga society, it was simply clear that it was time to leave - without bitterness or confusion. I had no illusions of grandeur, but the structure just felt too small and suffocating. Without finding anything else, i sort of drifted around spiritually speaking for two years. Practiced Vipassana meditation half-heartedly a bit. Glimmer in the
night His message was that it is only identification with thoughts which keep one from experiencing God/the Self/Freedom permanently in ones life. His words veritably shone with clarity, light and joy. It was beyond all doubt that this man lived in That which he spoke of and my heart stirred with hope. It was only two weeks later, that i came into contact with two other remarkable masters. An acquaintance had recently returned from Lucknow, India, and called a meeting where she told us about a H.W.L. Poonja, disciple of the well-known Ramana Maharshi. Poonja, or Papaji as he is called, holds Satsang which means ‘Meeting with Truth’. Formal Satsang is an opportunity to be with a self-realized person, to be able to ask questions, give reports of experiences, share inspiration with poems and songs etc. The next day, we watched a Satsang video with Papaji. We also saw parts of a Satsang video with Gangaji, a self-realized American woman who is a disciple of Papaji. These two expressed the same meaning as Nisargadatta:
All this made
me quite giddy. I who had filled my life with all kinds of spiritual
techniques was now faced with the quite provocative statement that the
only thing required to be Free was to stop all techniques and strategies
- and to stop believing in thoughts that i am not Free. "No way, it
can’t be that simple - !" was my first reaction. But at the same time,
i had really come to the end of the rope. I had been seeking and practicing
for so long without any lasting result. Besides, they seemed so certain
about what they were saying and their radiance could not be missed.
All three shone with such an enormous power yet at the same time such
a deep peace, joy and humor that i was quite captivated by them.
Countdown I was so violently taken by her - her words of nectar, blissful smile, liberating laughter and wisdom - that i nearly renounced my entire life here in Sweden to go live in her vicinity in the US. I realized that this was an expression of escapism but there was no denying: she had captured my heart like it had never been captured before. I wrote several letters to her and she graciously wrote back. Decided to travel to her during the coming summer.
Came back to Sweden without any visible change. There now began a dramatic time. I wanted so desperately to be Free but at the same time knew that i could not do anything to attain it. It was the ultimate paradox: moments of the most sublime bliss and peace would be followed by absolutely hellish experiences of being in a tiny box with no way out: total desperation, anguish and enormous inner suffering. When it was most intense, i felt a practically physical pain in my chest as if some dull object were being pressed hard there. The Beginning
of the End During the autumn, the Insight became clearer. There was, however, a basic feeling of attachment to Gangaji. Answering my letters, she wrote, "It is your own Self you see in me." But i didn’t want to accept that. I had the idea that Realization, when it all boils down, was impersonal. And i was afraid i would lose my love for her and others in some kind of peaceful yet impersonal cosmic Oneness. The Truth Dawns
This revealed itSelf to me two months later - again during a walk in the woods. Quite undramatically, something let go inside. "I" gave up and in that moment i saw that I Am whole, full and free - unlimited consciousness. Far from losing my relationships as i had feared, i discovered that they were perfected in a way that i wouldn’t have dreamed possible. For now i was free from demands, expectations and fears. The Self is invulnerable and untouched and therefore i can finally open up to others unconditionally and relate fully with them. Now
The ‘experience’ is similar to lucid dreams, that is when you are conscious of dreaming in the dream itself. It is the same feeling of, "Wow! This is really a dream - ! Incredible!" The same feeling of wonder and exaltation. It resembles also experiences with psychedelics and deep breathing, such as holotropic breathing. Or being in love. The difference is that This is so infinitely subtle and pure. I cannot yet say that this is my permanent state. Sometimes old patterns take the upper hand. But This makes itSelf felt ever more often. When the experience of suffering arises in consciousness, it is a sign of non-acceptance. With this reminder, it is a matter of stopping the struggle, of surrendering and dying to Life as It is. Then That which cannot die is again revealed. It is hard to keep
quiet about this. Most everything in society goes against this truth
of Freedom. We are conditioned - yes, brainwashed - from early childhood
to believe that we need things, health, relationships and religions
to be happy. And then we have all sorts of therapies, strategies and
techniques to acquire these things and overcome obstacles. Happiness is right here and now. When i look around me, i see more and more clearly that there is nothing that is not enlightened. Every being is a unique expression of incredible beauty. It can get so strong that i literally fall in love with everyone i see: old people, "ugly" people, skinheads, businessmen... The same thrill in the heart. It is so clear that the only thing that needs to be done - or rather un-done - to experience this is to let go of all the neurotic thoughts one goes carrying around. Let go of the thoughts of both worth and worthlessness. Dare to let go of EVERYTHING and step into the Unknown. If any of this resonates with you, dear reader, i invite you to not waste another minute. Don’t wallow in the lie of separation any longer. Investigate your consciousness and see for yourself: you are Free here and now. Wake up and Roar!
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