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Wednesday 25 August 2004 Something very important has happened for me recently and i really want to share it with you. Down through the years i have had many powerful experiences of awakening sitting with Papaji, Gangaji, Vartman, Rahasya, Arjuna and Dolano. But somehow there has always been a reidentification with ego with comcomittant suffering. Last November i crashed into a mire of anxiety and have been a recurring visitor there pretty much ever since. The bouts of anxiety became gradually worse and two weeks ago i was in a really bad state. At this time, I went into a long-planned three day retreat, turning off the phone and computer. I was determined to get to the bottom of this issue of suffering once and for all. I immersed myself in satsang videos, tapes and books and really tried to focus on the question "Who Am I?" I could recognize the freedom and beauty in the satsangs but it didn't affect my state of anxiety at all. It felt hopeless, i really felt damned, in a tiny box with no way out. Evidently, it all depends on Grace and yet the suffering was unbearable. On and on this went day after day. On the last day, with only a little time left with no respite in sight, i kind of said, "Well, Existence, there's only a couple hours left and i want to be set right before the retreat is over." I then happened to see Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now and started reading it and, man! What a book! Tolle gives the clearest presentation of what enlightenment is that i have come across; what the causes of suffering are and what one can do to rediscover the truth of Being and live a life of unfathomable peace, joy and love which is our birthright. One of the problems i had with all the satsang books and tapes etc was that i perceived there to be an emphasis on Grace, that one must just relax and things will basically take care of themselves. There is nothing really that one can do to "get it". Tolle emphasizes however that by focusing on the Now, simply taking in what is going on in the body and in ones surroundings, one naturally falls more and more into pure awareness. Less energy goes to the thinking mind, identification with which is the cause of all suffering. Anyway, i straight away applied this in practice. In the midst of my intolerable anxiety and depression, i just turned my attention to what was going on around me, the sights, sounds and smells. Immediately i experienced a deep calm. No bliss or ecstacy or fireworks, just peace and the indescribable Presence. Now i can report that this is simply turning my life around! As soon as i see i am thinking of the past or the future unnecessarily, i turn my attention to what is here now: sensations in the body, what's going on around me. And i am once again at peace. I know it sounds too simple but it's true! And it is just so fantastic that i just must write to you about it! So if you too are really tired of suffering, I highly recommend this book, i cannot praise it enough. In deepest gratitude, Monday 4 February 2002 Dolano was hammering, hammering home the truth of Being again and again. I asked myself, "Who Am I?" Waiting… My experience up to now was that whenever I checked, my infinite Being was undeniable but that somehow it had no consequence for my life. On the morning of February 4th, I was doing some yoga asanas, when I suddenly became aware that I was aware of the body being in me and not vice-versa. It was a funny two-step recognition in that I could see my not being in the body, yet not realize the significance of it for a few minutes. A good analogy is like when you have a headache for a long time and then goes away. But you don't realize it has gone for a while - when suddenly it dawns on you. This recognition is not an experience, has not happened before and is completely different than all the "awakening" experiences I have had - even that during Rahasyas retreat (se below). Nothing happened, really, just a shift in perception. How could I be in the body? Like Dolano said, the ideas is ludicrous, patently absurd. Where would I have been? In my head is the usual answer. Okay, but then where? Behind the nose? In the pituitary gland? How big am I? A round ball of white light 2 x 2 x 2 cm? Or maybe a violet egg of shimmering rainbow colors? It is all so laughable - it doesn't stand to even the slightest scrutiny. I felt as though I had hatched. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't get back in my head. I just simply saw that this was just an idea. I had been hypnotized! And it seems almost everyone is going around in the same kind of trance. Fortunately, it really doesn't stand serious impartial investigation, it is seen through. Yet - somehow - something else is needed… I don't know how this recognition happened. I guess I must say Grace. Though I was in the middle of this month-long Satsang Intensive with Dolano and much focussed on the truth of Being, the recognition came suddenly and totally unexpectedly and I really can't see any causal connection. Being "thrown out of the body" was the key because if I am not in the body, everything just falls into place: I am eternal, timeless, immovable, untouchable awareness in which everything transpires. Undeniably so. My relationship to the body is different now as well. It is no more "me" than any other body and it feels more like a robot now, a vehicle through which I can sense and express. Gangaji's words came, "The body is like your horse, you take care of it…" When involved in thought activity, the experience of life is exactly as before recognition. Such as writing this. It is during life's many daily pauses that the Truth just shines. My body and all the world dramas is happening in me. I am in the middle of a lucid dream and the awe, love, gratitude and joy is beyond words. It is all I could ever have hoped for and more. Om shanti shanti shanti Thursday 24 August 2000 On the 7th of August, i had a dream where i was in Satsang with an unknown Indian master (see detailed account in dream section). After the satsang, i sat with four others and we agreed that it was important to hang out with people who really valued Truth. Woke up feeling really healed and just knew i had to go to Rahasya's retreat at Ängsbacka. During the first day of the retreat, i felt generally frustrated and at times was really tired of all his talk of love and freedom, coming, of course, from a deep sadness: Why not me…? At the same time, it was obvious there was nothing i could to do - felt i was kind of suspended in an emptiness. I had no questions to ask, just resting with what is. On Saturday August 19th, Rahasya lead us out to the “tent field” all the way back by the woods for a self-enquiry sitting. “Describe being Love,” was the koan. Right from the start, i felt as though i had been catapulted into Heaven. My first partner became a god – and everything was exuding, shining, radiating beauty: the clouds, the sun and sky, birds and breeze… We changed partners and it only intensified. “Describe being Freedom.” At one point, i just realized that there was no separation. Before any thought or feeling, the fact of being timeless spaceless awareness was just obvious. It was not an experience. All my previous experiences felt as though of the same type – just varying degrees of depth and clarity. But this was just simply seeing That which is before, during and after all experience. Previously, i could quite easily see that i was pure awareness whenever i investigated but it felt dry and lifeless. It somehow had no consequence for my daily life and this fact constantly exasperated me. But now i see that there had always been a slight mental activity making it into an object or experience. Now it is just so obvious. All is perfect. There is absolutely nothing to do which is better or worse than anything else. There is an utter and total relaxation and relief. The whole miracle of – everything – causes an enormous upsurge of excitement, joy, reverence, peace and love. Wave upon wave – yet nothing touching this causeless Cause. I didn’t report the realization in the following Satsangs considering all the false alarms i have had in the past. But since this time, the insight has remained. What consequence has this had? While working or focusing attention on a specific task or train of thought, i can see absolutely no difference from before. The difference asserts itself when the attention is not focused on anything in particular. Then there is just the obviousness of Being=Me. The crazy uncle is as loud as ever but he is just laughable. The next night, there was no tangible experience of This. A fear arose with the thought, “I have no control over this; it could leave me at any moment.” I could feel a knot developing in my chest and the thought, “Oh God, I – I have lost it – again!” But i just looked at what was happening. I could state that, yes, there was physical sensations and thoughts… and that was it! Read: No consequence. Relaxing, i again became aware of Being=Me and fell even deeper into the Unknowing. In general the consequence seems to be that nothing can be taken seriously. Really – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING MATTERS. And i feel drawn to meditation, to go within more and just rest in this. On the one hand, there is an unwillingness to speak about it seeing the utter, almost painful inadequacy of words. Still, i have shared it with several people. On all occasions, it feels like i’m kind of defiling it, and there are lots of thoughts and feelings of, “Who do you think you are?!” That the whole thing is a huge megalomanic trip. Yet… whenever i relax and investigate, i just see a timeless spaceless field of Being. So we’ll see. I invite all to come. Let everything that can die, die. I welcome it. I am untouched by sun or storm and the gratitude is endless. Coming back home has been no change. Existence has been really testing
me. I can feel the old reactions rising, yet with the unshakeable Truth
as background, it is all so laughable: I have nothing to defend, nothing
to hide! I can not be touched by so-called weaknesses and limitations of
this body-mind – it is no more me than the trees or the clouds.
Monday 23 November 1998
The building was shaped in a square and the inner courtyard was covered
Outside the house was simply surrealistic. A large glas pyramid which
So in this environment we met in Truth and what a meeting! Time stood
We had Self-enquiry sittings where we sat together in twos. Looking
Vartman held a special Sex and relationships satsang where we could
Vartman is an angel, he is Love personified, he is I AM, he is my own
I prostrate in this Beauty, this Mystery, this breath-taking Adventure
Friday 20 November 98
It is a clear day, unusually, and the sun is shining. Crisp - and COLD
WE PASSED THE INSPECTION! Hurrah! We still have alot of painting to do and other odds and ends - but there
We finally are now able to do nr 2 in our urine-separating, dry toilet.
Last Sat, we who live here had a mobile cocktail party to celebrate
So now, after 3½ years, begins a whole new phase: Living here!
What a ground that has been laid! Exciting.
Now i am soon off to a Week-end Satsang-retreat with Vartman with 50
Friday 11 September 98
Thurdsday 27 August 98
Wednesday 15 July 98
Monday 13 July 98
Thursday 9 July 98
Monday 4 May 98
Friday 6 March 98
I have started an ALU with HSB, our co-housing project building partner. In practice there will be no difference - i will continue to work full-time with the project. Showed the Robert Adam's Satsang video at Gaia last nite. Twelve people came. Wed 4 March 98
Shovelled out the rest of our future bathroom floor and cut up the wall where the door to our future bedroom will be into bite-size pieces - easier to load to take away. Phew! Wiped out. Really nice to walk to Gebers from Skarpnäck and back - peaceful meditation. Fri 13 feb 98
Just now percieving the gloriousness of existence. Miracle of miracles... Thu 12 feb 98
Wed 11 feb 98
Removed rest of floor boards in our bathroom-to-be. Nicholas bought 2x4s for the wall between our bathroom and kitchen. Sun 1 feb 98
Got alot done in our future apartment at Gebers, the building we will
be moving into in August this year.
Very cold here now - at least yesterday it was. Today i'm a little sick
and have been inside all day.
Yours forever,
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