
Consider the birds:

Do the birds worry, do the birds cry?
Do the birds wonder, "What would happen if I couldn't fly…?"
Do the birds hesitate, do the birds doubt?
Do the birds struggle with "What is this life all about?"

No, they just fly-y-y and they sing!
Just being a bird gives them everything, everything.
And all is well.

Consider the flowers:

Have you ever seen a lily trying to be a rose?
Pouring on perfume in a desperate show…
Have you ever seen a daffodil turn from the sun?
Hiding its face saying, "No, no, I'm not a worthy one…"

No, flowers just open so happy to be
Graceful expressions of natural beauty and purity,
Pure beauty.

Now consider your self:

Who is this looking out from your eyes?
Who is this shining beyond all disguise?
What is this so present, so obviously here?
What can't be denied 'cause it's closer than clear?

You are the precious jewel, you are the One!
You are a fresh breeze, free as a bird,
Pure as a meadow flower.
Wherever you are, you are at home,
You are home, forever home.

Ananda Sky
June 2001

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